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Is this it? Is this really all there is?

Collapsing ecologies. Moral dissolution. Zero-sum politics. Hyper-aggressive masculinity. Loneliness and division fueled by tech oligarchs. Our very humanity challenged by AI. Will our societies become super-optimized regimes of ugliness and sterility? Or can we imagine a world where beauty is not just appreciated but essential? 

It is dawning on us: There is no going back to ‘progress.’ The Polycrisis must be an opening for a new reality we create together. One that transcends liberalism, populism, and techno-optimism alike. One where a plurality of stories, paradoxes, and truths strengthen one other. One that embraces the entanglement of living systems and repositions business inside biology as well as a new metaphysics. An economy of the other, breaking free from distraction and extraction, shifting us from human-centered to life-centered.

Call it the planetary, post-human, or more-than-human era. In any case, it has begun.

If we pull on all those threads of hope (Opportunities) and develop the meta-skills (Powers) to weave them together, we can realize The PolyOpportunity—a new way of sensing, thinking, and leading beyond what’s next.

It's a pivotal moment. We are going all out, and you’re invited to come with us. Four in-person gatherings across four continents. A 12-week digital learning journey. A series of online public forums. Pick and choose, or take part in it all.

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Three ways to take part:
Website number 1

In-Person Gatherings

Four events in four cities: Berlin, New York, Tangier, and Istanbul

Website number 2

Learning Program

A 12-week online course to acquire and practice the Powers

Website number 3

Open House

Six online forums to dive deep into the Opportunities

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Everything pass
Event Pass
Event Pass The Salon
Event Pass NY
Event Pass The Retreat
Event Pass Tangier
Event Pass The Festival
Event Pass Istanbul
Event Pass The Bootcamp
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Meet your hosts

House of Beautiful Business

Creating the life-centered economy through wild ideas and transformative experiences

Learn more

Acosta Institute

Acosta Institute

Building healing-centered cultures through contemplative social science and slow work

Learn more

Holon Institute

The Holon Institute

Cultivating emergent possibility through embodied imagination

Learn more

The PolyOpportunity is made possible through the generous support of our partners:

X Creation
Think Tangier
The Dive
Garrison Institute
The league of intrapreneurs
Grün Film
Climate Culture
The 100 years school
School of collective intelligence
Way Beyond



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