Get a Grip on Your AI Vertigo

Research-based insights, analyses, and tactics to help you find your bearings

We’ve written a report to help you find your AI bearings: Brand Narratives in the Age of AI. 

Does it feel as though your head is spinning in twenty directions simultaneously as you try to keep up with what’s happening at OpenAI? The latest twist in the saga seems worthy of a James Bond plot. The company has allegedly developed a new AI model that is potentially so smart, so capable, so formidable, that certain employees have called it a direct threat to humanity. It remains unclear how much Sam Altman’s endorsement of Q* resulted in his firing. Regardless, the turmoil at OpenAI, where Altman was reinstated as CEO last week, shows no signs of abating as the company marks the first anniversary of ChatGPT’s launch.

The amount of unknowns surrounding AI’s reputed dangers can be dizzying. And uncertainty is hard on our brains; in fact, we’re hardwired to hate it. Studies have shown that uncertainty is actually more stressful than predictable negative consequences, because it triggers the brain into active–sometimes panicked–response. When we think we can control an undetermined outcome, there’s urgency to throw ourselves into the ring and fight for the win.

At the House, we decided to combat our uncertainty by averting our gaze from the big, unanswerable AI questions (for now, at least) to focus on the more immediate and concrete ones affecting business leaders today.

AI is certain to have a major impact on brands of all kinds, which remain stalwarts of meaning and consistency in an ever-evolving landscape.

As we started to explore the ways that new technology could alter a brand’s identity, narrative, and modus operandi, we discovered dozens of interesting lines of inquiry, and our curiosity only grew.

We’re proud to share the culmination of this curiosity: Brand Narratives in the Age of AI.

Brand Narratives in the Age of AI is a report co-authored by the global PR company Hotwire that investigates the massive impact that AI will have on brands across the business world and in broader society. The report synthesizes the insights and analyses of experts from relevant fields (business, tech, cyber-psychology, journalism, marketing, design, and more) and provides accessible concepts, ideas, and tactics for leaders trying to navigate this groundbreaking technology and determine their brand’s strategy.

A central feature of the report is the Brand Narratives in the Age of AI Matrix, an innovative and accessible framework intended to help leaders figure out their brand’s optimal AI strategy. The matrix categorizes brands based on two key considerations: their inherent value proposition and their attitude towards AI. The report then explores unique opportunities, strategies, and caveats for each of the four identified brand types, offering thoughtful insights, actionable recommendations, and inspiring next steps.

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Hotwire Report

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